Sunday, August 11, 2013


5 years, 5 bajillion doctor appointments, and 54506987243598 pokes and prods later...

...blood work has come back positive, and I have been diagnosed by my rheumatologist with Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease.  It's a mouthful, but I will do my best to explain it. UCTD is an autoimmune disease, in which your own immune system is attacking the connective tissue in your body.  Connective tissue is everywhere in your body, and it even includes bones and blood. Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis are examples of differentiated connective tissue diseases.  Undifferentiated just means that it currently does not fit the diagnostic criteria for a specific differentiated connective tissue disease; however, it is possible that it will eventually differentiate into lupus, RA, scleroderma, etc..

There is no cure for UCTD, but my doctor is going to have me try taking hydroxychloroquine (an anti-malaria medicine that for some unknown reason helps some people who have autoimmune diseases) to see if it helps me feel better.  People with UCTD typically have to have blood work pretty frequently to watch for any changes (such as neutropenia, anemia, kidney problems, more abnormal antibodies...).  Some people even end up going into remission!!  I  just found out about the diagnosis on Thursday over the phone, so I don't know what the long term plan for me is yet.  My doctor also told me that I have to be careful in the sun (due to a combination of the positive ANA test and the medicine that I'll be on), so if you see me wearing a long sleeve shirt and a hat when it's warm out, I'm just preventing my crazy immune system from doing crazy stuff.

My family and I are so excited to finally have a diagnosis, because not only do we finally understand what is going on in my body, but I also have a doctor who is responsible for me and can try to help.

The past 5 years have been incredibly difficult, but it's awesome to look back and see all of the ways that God has guided us and used a yucky situation for good.  He is faithful!

I apologize for the lack of updates lately.  Unfortunately, I really haven't been feeling well this summer and I have been needing to sleep wayyyy more than I'd like.  I am starting pre-reqs for PT school in a couple of weeks!  I'm excited to be taking some classes again... I'm a nerd.  Obviously, planning things like school and careers is a little complicated when you have a chronic illness, but I am just taking one day at a time and asking God for guidance and wisdom every day.  It's a little crazy to think about being a PT with a chronic illness, especially because of the amount of rest that I've been needing this summer (it can be discouraging), but we'll see what God's up to!  After all, He's the best physician out there.