Thursday, March 20, 2014

Another Shot at Treatment

After trying to write a blog post since like... 4pm today, and failing because my brain is still toasting from the daily fevers, here's a short and sweet version of what I've been trying to say:

I saw my rheumy today, and we decided that I should start taking Methotrexate (a chemotherapy agent), because the fatigue, fevers, aches and pains and everything else have been pretty bad.  Mornings have been especially horrible.  I took my first dose tonight and I will be taking it once a week from here on out.  Methotrexate is used in smaller dosages for autoimmune disease than for cancer, so I hopefully won't have any serious side effects, but please pray that my body won't absolutely hate it and that it brings some relief!  Some people don't have any bad side effects at all from the dosage that I'll be doing... hopefully I'll be one of those people =)

Unfortunately, my weight has also been terrible lately.  I've been getting sick to my stomach every morning, so that probably isn't helping... but I really just need to eat a ton, so hopefully my appetite will cooperate.  My dad just put my barf bucket back out in the garage, so that's a step in the right direction... ha.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me and encouraging me throughout this... you are awesome!

P.S. This encouraged me today. God's still good, and he's still in control.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." -Luke 12:6-7


  1. I read the same verse today! Hang in there. *prayers*

  2. Michelle, a friend on FaceBook, Pam Ford Davis, linked me to this post. I have a genetic connective tissue disorder, possibly Ehlers-Danlos. I have a lot of the same issues going on including a chronic fever. I'd love to chat with you for encouragement and to compare treatment ideas, if you'd like. My email is amy [at] sparrowsflight [dot] net

    My website is Sparrow's Flight because of that Bible verse.
