On Tuesday, my dad was invited to taste test gluten free pasta at Wegmans because they noticed that he was always buying gluten free food. They're trying to decide what pasta to use as Wegman's brand. My dad asked if I could do it instead, since I'm the one who's actually gluten free, and they let us both come! It was pretty funny because there were a whole bunch of gluten free people in the room, so everyone was trading recipes and talking about their weird diets. Anyways, they put a little bit of sauce on the pasta (which doesn't make any sense), and it had soy in it so I couldn't eat it! I sat there watching my dad eat it instead, and he said they all tasted the same, haha. They felt really bad, especially because they didn't leave any plain. They gave everyone a gift card though, so that made up for it.
On Wednesday, I was trying to get used to clipping into my pedals on my road bike. The guy told me to practice clipping in and out while leaning against a wall before taking it out on the road so I wouldn't fall. When I got home, I stood next to my garage, clipped in, and.... fell the opposite direction of the wall.
On Thursday, it was 101 degrees. My dad had found our old air conditioner in the garage the day before, so he brought it in and put it in the living room. I was just thinking how nice it was to be able to read with the AC blowing in my face, when... the power went out. Thankfully, my dad has a generator for the track timing equipment so he brought that in and we were able to switch back and forth between plugging in the AC and the fridge until the power came back on.
Things like that aren't funny until the next day... then they make me chuckle.
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