Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Good Stuff.

I've been trying to write an update for awhile, but the combination of having a crazy week (4 exams...) and my long time companion, the fever, has made it impossible to sit at the computer and write anything that's at least somewhat coherent. =p

The past few weeks have been hard, but things have been getting better this week.  Not physically, but I've learned that it's not always how I feel physically that determines how I'm "getting by."  My fever's still being the loyal companion that it is, and I've been experiencing a whole lot of weird bladder pain that keeps me up some nights (I honestly don't know if it's my bladder that hurts, but it sure feels like it when it does), but here are some of the blessings that God's given me that help me to stay sane and joyful (joy interspersed with random fits of tears, of course) during this...

1) Bible Study.  A few of us had been talking about starting a Bible Study last semester, and we finally did the first week of this semester.  It's just a few of my friends and me, and besides studying the Bible and getting to learn about God together, there's a whole lot of laughter involved.  Laughter = great therapy for sick people.   Fellowship = really awesome relationships.

2) Fax machines. My doctor called me on Thursday asking if I could stop by because in order for them to send my records to Maryland, I had to sign a release form.  That's a problem when you're 2 hours away from them with no form of transportation.  After searching around campus that afternoon, the secretary in the health center let me use her fax machine (I've never faxed anything to anyone before... it was a big deal...).  Now, my records should be well on their way to Maryland.

3) The people I live with/next to.  I have the most wonderful, encouraging roommate, and I live next to some great friends from the same town as me.  They are also part of our Bible study!  I'm also right next to my old roommate now (I moved last week), so I can still be friends with her and see her a lot.

4) The workers at our dining hall.  I've mentioned them before, but they're worth mentioning again.  Every morning, I get to chat with Mary, who is the lady who gives me my almond milk.  Everyone else still jokes around about how big buff me (that's a joke... in case you were wondering...) knocked over the cereal bar one morning.  Oh, and they always make sure I have something to eat!

5) The prayer chapel.  This has actually been literally 30 seconds away from me all year, but I've always been scared of it because it's in the basement... and basements are just... scary.  But, I've recently conquered my fear of it and now I use it every morning before I go to breakfast and class.  It's not so scary after all...

6) Professors.  There are some really awesome ones here.  This semester, I have 2 in particular who know what's going on and are a big help.  One of them is my biology professor, who always seems to be laughing at silly things that I say or making me laugh.... and 3 hour labs are a whole lot easier for me to get through when they include laughing.

I don't mean to make it sound like getting through each day is a piece of cake, because it's not... but I do know that gratefulness and joy seem to be connected.  I don't think it's possible to be filled with one without the other.  Also, when I take time to thank God for the tangible things He's given me, it becomes easier to be thankful for what He's doing through this illness... even though I don't understand it.

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