On Thursday, I wrote that my MRIs were most likely going to be on Friday. I should know better by now... HOA is still waiting to hear from the insurance people about the brain scan. My cervical MRI (top of my spine...) has already been approved, but it wouldn't make any sense to have that done and then have to go back for the brain one (if it gets approved) a day or two later.
We had to talk to my PCP to find out why I haven't heard from Infectious Disease yet, and... they didn't accept me as a patient. Again. My hematologist/oncologist wants me to go there too though, so now he's working on getting me in. He knows the head of the Pediatric ID group, so he's pretty confident on me getting in. Cleveland Clinic is becoming more of a possibility because we can't keep switching doctors. The MRI and the ID people are our last things that we're waiting for before we decide to move on to the clinic. I'm a little doubtful of the ID people, but a lot of it is because of the stories that I've heard from people who have Lyme Disease... so that's a little biased.
On a much happier note, the weekend was great! It was also exhausting, but it was well worth being exhausted. :) On Saturday, my parents, high school coach, and I worked the annual "Making Tracks for Celiacs" race AND the gigantic track invitational at the high school. This is our third year of helping at the Celiac festival thing. This year, part of the course was under 4 feet of water from all of the storms, so my dad had to map out and measure a new course the day before the race! It went pretty well considering how last minute everything was. Once the race was over, we had to book it out of there so that we could eat and get to the track invite. It was my first meet as "assistant distance coach (or whatever I am)!" I imagined myself cheering and encouraging the kids the entire time... and I ended up working the high jump. Haha. It was fun, though! I had plenty of bonding time with the official and I learned a whole lot about high jump.
Sunday was my college coach's surprise retirement party! I've been trying SO hard not to post any blogs about how excited I was to be able to see everyone at the party, and now I finally can. Phew. It feels good. It was so cool. We yelled surprise when he walked in (duh), and he seemed a little surprised, but then he started noticing that there were people there that he had coached a long time ago too, and then he was really surprised. It was also very bittersweet... cross country isn't going to be the same without him, that's for sure.
The party made me all excited to go back and work with the high school runners because it made me realize how much of an effect coaches can have on people. I already knew that they've all been a big deal in my life, but seeing all of the people there was so cool. I'm really enjoying helping my hs coach now that I'm actually getting to know the runners. Yesterday, he called my dad and asked to talk to me. I was so afraid that I did something wrong, but instead, it was the most encouraging phone call I've had in a long time! He told me that he wanted to make sure that I was considering coaching in my future! I guess it's pretty obvious how much I love it then... even though I told the kids that I wanted to play the Rocky Theme on the loud speakers during their workout, and NONE of them knew what I was talking about. That's so sad. We have our first dual meet tomorrow (a bunch were cancelled and rescheduled for later in the season), and I get to ride a school bus! I'm so pumped... and I also really need to go to bed.
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