Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Madness!

The past few days have been crazy!  I went to Rochester on Sunday for the annual "Cross Country Banquet."  I was super nervous, but it went better than I expected!  I was able to spend some time with my coaches before and after everyone came, which made things much easier.  Little things help a lot... like seeing my coach switch from "cross country mode" to making little derby cars with his kids.  I did love seeing the team because I've missed them a lot, and I'm not as sad about not running anymore so it wasn't as hard as the track meet that I went to back in January.

I talked to the nurse at the Arthritis place about the IGeneX test yesterday.  It's not back yet, but they'll call when it is.  I'm trying very hard to be patient... but it's hard! 

One of the things that I do to make being sick less depressing is try things that I normally don't get to do... so... I'm joining the March Madness fun and making a bracket.  I honestly have no idea what I'm doing.  I'm probably going to end up filling it out based on things like colors, mascots, and which state I'd rather live in... but hey, it'll be fun to see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not gonna lie, I've picked based on Mascot before. It's just too hard to say no to Wisconsin's Badgers...
