Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some test results

I had my appointment to go over test results with the rhuematologist today!  We talked about the ultra sound of my lymph nodes, the MRIs of my knee and leg, and the IGeneX results.

My lymph node ultra sound came back "beautiful." I had already told the doctor that they weren't swollen or painful that day, so I wasn't surprised.  No tumors, malignancies or anything like that.

My MRI showed NOTHING.  We were hoping that it'd show fluid, which would mean that the lump is a cyst, but... nothing.  The PA went through the good news first - it didn't show a tumor, muscle mass, or anything that could be malignant.  Then she said that because there's obviously something there, the next step is... surgery (or in her words "cut it out and stick it under a microscope").  It would be a pretty big incision from the lower part of my hamstring to the top of my calf, and the recovery is long.  She's sending a referral to my Internist for me to see a surgeon.  However, this doesn't mean I'm definitely having surgery (I've had visits to the surgeon that don't result in surgery!).  They haven't even done a biopsy of it yet, and that would probably tell them what it is.  I hope.

Aaaaaannnd.... the IGeneX results..... AREN'T BACK YET!  However, IGeneX has confirmed that the test was finished yesterday and the results are being faxed today!  It was weird... the PA said that they were being faxed when she walked in at the beginning of the appointment, but they still aren't back.  This lady seemed to be a very good PA, but she was still clueless about Lyme.  She was talking about how my last blood work came back very good, which makes her nearly positive that it's not Lyme.  That's not true at all.  We know it's possible that Lyme isn't the culprit, but we know enough about it to get frustrated about how clueless the doctors are about it.

My newest symptom has been jaw pain, so the PA checked that out a little bit.  She asked if it hurt at all at the time, and just as I was saying "no," she pressed on it and my "no" came out as "n-OWW YES."  Then, she asked if it was clicking at all, and once again I said "no" and then it did a nice little click.  It was nice to have things happen while I was at the doctors for once!  She said I'm having some TMJ issues, but she doesn't know if it has to do with everything else.

If the IGeneX test comes back negative, I'll be getting referred off to a Hematologist ("blood doctor") and Neurologist.  Until then... we wait some more.


  1. So frustrating. I just woke up from a really long nap... I will call you sometime this week.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    Sending a greeting for a Happy and Blessed Easter to You & Your Family...
    Love and Prayers,
