Sunday, March 20, 2011


So much for posting an update on Friday!  I've been very sick, but I'm feeling better today.  I saw my Internist on Friday.  We were trying to figure out if I had the flu or not.  Even though I was in a ton of pain on Wednesday and Thursday, we don't think it was the flu (and neither does my internist).  It's hard to tell, because I have a lot of "flu symptoms" anyways, and on my really bad days I do feel like I have the flu.  However, I've also been having headaches everyday for the past month or so, and my doctor noticed that my sinuses are completely full.  He's treating me as if I've had a sinus infection for a month and he put me on more antibiotics and some other meds.  I also have to squirt 8oz of stuff up my nose twice a day... gross (it's actually kind of funny...)!

I started the antibiotics on Friday.  I felt terrible Friday night, and I had to use my nebulizer because I was having a hard time breathing.  My heart rate randomly jumped up to 130 earlier that night, which was freaky.  It happened another time last week too, but I didn't check my pulse the first time to see what it was.  I still felt pretty terrible yesterday and my fever was still high, but it's back to my normal low grade fever today.  I'd write more, but I can't concentrate... and the SU game is on!

P.S. We are STILL waiting on the blood test results...

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